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Military Funding???

Contributor: Chris_Fleming

Date: 2003-02-06 02:49:19

I agree intirely. If you look at millitary and diplomatic alliances historically very few last longer than a hundred years. Most alliances rareley last twenty years. I believe it is time for Canada to beef up it's military not only to "protect ourselves from the Yankee devils" but to ensure our place in the world as not only a diplomatic and economic power but as a military power as well. Agreed this might cut into other social programs but I believe it neccesary due to consistant military cutbacks.

Most canadians believe we do not have a need for a strong military because we can rely on multilateralism and diplomacy to avoid confrontation. This might be true for the present but what about the future of the world order? Believing that states will very soon resolve conflicts through international organizations or avoid them due to economic interdependance is a fallacy of modern political thinking. It's more a theory than practice. So by estabolishing a strong economy, (much like we have), accompanied by a strong military we will give ourselves a stronger voice as a much needed necessity in the coming world order.

Many poeple would then ask, "what is it about the current world order that makes me so pesimistic?". It's not that the UN is inept, much like it's predecessor the league of nations. My opinion is much on the contrary. I feel that the UN is a powerful political and economic force but I believe it is guided by selfish states making it inefficient as a governing body. Furthermore, other international organizatios such as the IMF also finction according to certain state's policies, especially concerning the USA.

In conclusion Canada needs a stronger military to assert itself in a future that is both uncertain and anarchic, (in the realist's definition of the word). I would have loved to give support for my arguments but this would have made my comment far to long when I'm only trying to convey an opinion. To hear more detailed arguments or to comment directly to me please contact me.

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