logo du MAECI partenariat Logo de byDesign eLab, un centre indépendant de recherche, développement et production en forums électroniques pour l'élaboration des politiques, qui a vu le jour en 1997 dans le cadre du programme McLuhan de l'Université de Toronto
Version conviviale pour l'impression http://www.foreign-policy-dialogue.ca/fr/reponses/index.php?ac=pqi&qid=3848


Question 12: Valeurs et culture

Quels sont les meilleurs moyens pour le Canada de faire connaître à l’étranger sa culture et son expérience?



Voir toutes les réponses à la question 12   
Date: 2003-05-01 22:25:24
The restoration of true democracy in Canada may not be "Foreign Policy", but it is vital if we are to implement the above suggestions and obtain a Foreign Policy that reflects the values of Canadians, not corporations.
This will require several changes in the way we select and run our governments. Here are three concrete first-steps that will help the process along:
- Start moving the country towards some form of (mixed) Proportional Representation.
- Eliminate all corporate donations to political parties, and limit individual donations to small (e.g., $1,000) amounts; make up the difference from the public purse - "he who pays the piper calls the tune", and it is we
the people who must pay to get the tune we want.
- Enact a "Canada Well-Being Act" which will concentrate government's attention on policies that benefit Canadians, not simply policies that inflate our Gross Domestic Product.
Voir toutes les réponses à la question 12   
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