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Question 4: Security

In promoting the security of Canadians, where should our priorities lie? Should Canada give a higher priority to military combat operations? To sectors such as intelligence gathering and analysis? Or should we focus on broader security measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious disease? What should be our distinctive role in promoting global security?



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Date: 2003-05-01 15:07:22
I am answering this question from a bias that violence begets more violence and thus a combat role for our military is counter-productive except when a foriegn power invades our soveriegn boundaries. For this we need the UN to intervene. And generally we need an international police force that has sufficient
power to enforce the RULE OF LAW on or against all nations, no matter how powerful.

Making the world a better place to live for individuals and societies would reduce the incentive for widespread violence. Policies that reduce human degradation by disease and hunger, environmental degradation, and cultural degradation are needed to promote mutually respectful interactions among
peoples and nations.
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