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Question 1: The 1995 Policy Review and Since

Which values and interests bear most fundamentally on Canada's foreign policy? How can Canada's foreign policy better reflect the concerns and priorities of Canadians?



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Date: 2003-05-01 17:08:29
Canadians value peacekeeping, sharing resources, and supporting those in need. We are a humanitarian country who condemns human rights violations in other countries. Freedom should be promoted and respected in all countries. (not only physical freedom, but also freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc..)

We want to be involved in the world, not just dismissed as a weaker partner of the U.S. We want to be heard and respected for what we stand for. We must not waver in our beliefs or our opinions on international issues. There should be no room left for peer pressure to influence international policies or alliances.

Values such as honesty, forthrightness, and openness should be upheld. Justice needs to be upheld, but not at the discretion of a single superpower. Multilateral actions provide moderation and diverse representation.

Our foreign policy should be motivated by a nation's resources, population, and basic needs more than by economic wealth or military might.
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