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Question 4: Security

In promoting the security of Canadians, where should our priorities lie? Should Canada give a higher priority to military combat operations? To sectors such as intelligence gathering and analysis? Or should we focus on broader security measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious disease? What should be our distinctive role in promoting global security?



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In recent years, the definition of human security has expanded beyond military combat and intelligence gathering.

We should of course have a military that is well-equipped and whose lower ranks earn decent wages. The military also needs better training regarding the treatment of civilians, and is
1876 2003-05-01 10:56:00
I think Canada should take a leading role in assumming an example for the rest of the world by showing our support and telerance of others cultures and lifestyles as that is what stops ignorance and agrivation. By understanding other ther will be no need for protection because others will naturaly f 1874 2003-05-01 09:51:26
As a whole, Canada's security is extremely poor. Years of degradation have a occurred in all sectors due to lack of funding, lack of political will and bureaucratic ineptitude.


A full defense review is required, either in conjunction with or based upon the results of this review
1871 2003-05-01 09:51:14
I think we forget too often that prevention is better than reaction. Why is it that we never talk about the actual causes of our so-called "security" problems (seems to me they always end up being U.S. problems more than ours)? Instead we focus on ways to control them, like the doctor who tr 1872 2003-05-01 09:32:32
Canada must become a niche player promoting and monitoring security issues in those areas were the US,European countries, China and Japan are less interested. Canada must be able to garner intelligence, analyze, even project combat capabilities as well as both relief and humanitarian assistance to t 1870 2003-05-01 07:26:51
I think the biggest threat to our security, whether it comes through terrorism, armed conflict or disease, is world poverty and the huge and growing gap between the rich and poor of this world. Such inequality can't help but breed anger and resentment. We can't expect to promote the idea of 1868 2003-05-01 04:53:27
Our military budget should be directed to protecting our coasts from foreign vessels illegally fishing and keeping us secure from other incursions. Any military force sent overseas should only be under UN command. We should be leaders in helping the third world improve its standard of living. 1867 2003-05-01 04:53:14
I think we should focus on broader security measures, such as combatting environmental degradation and the spread of infectious disease. If the warnings of people like David Suzuki are not heeded we may not have a planet left to try to make secure! I've been in Ukraine and the pollution is unbe 1865 2003-05-01 04:53:02
Canada's security priority should be to work with everyone who is trying to make the world safer and healthier for all its people. Clearly, we can't do that without appropriate defence of our borders. But the world does not need another country armed, willing and ready to fight a war, and 1864 2003-05-01 04:52:49
We cannot have security when we are left feeling hopeless and helpless. The erosion of public services, of our enviornment, and our standards of living do not leave us feeling secure. We can scare people into feeling insecure when we tell them another country is a threat, (even though that suppositi 1863 2003-05-01 04:52:37
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